Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Lost weight and Free Chronic Pain

I thought this time I'm not gonna make my diet program hitting the ground. Surprisingly, I make it. I marked the day that I start. it was October 17 2012. I was at my hometown and took care my parent's house. Fourth days later, I got through on and on, and the scale got down for 4 kg. I just really upset that time. I took the herbal for nutrition and vitamins but it was really hard to make lost weight. Finally, my mommy was coming from her voyage to Markka. she was the one who is diligent enough to take care healthy life. we became partner those time. Every early morning, we took steps at 5 am. we just walked around our neighborhood, took an hour. and finally my belly fat just went some where. New year has gave me a present that I lost my weight for 6 kg. and now I just lost 20 kg totally. not only lost my weight but my headache and my knee's chronic pain that I was suffering from that almost years just disappear. 

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